about kairi : future >> Now that Kingdom Hearts 2 has been confirmed, what does the future have in store for our favorite redhead? Here's a few thoughts about Kairi's alleged appearances in Another Side, Another Story; Deep Dive, and the KH2 trailer. Another Side, Another Story: The most likely appearance of Kairi in the secret ending to the North American version of Kingdom Hearts is at the very end of the video, which shows an older girl on a beach with her hands behind her back, looking up at the sky. Her hair is darker than Kairi's, but this could simply be a function of the lighting or a shadow. The reason that many believe this girl to be Kairi is because of her very Kairi-like stance. Deep Dive: Kairi's name appears before her face; her name is shown in dialogue (in both Japanese and English) after the Roman numeral VII appears onscreen. She is then shown visually twice in what appear to be flashbacks. Finally, the same image from the Another Side, Another Story trailer appears, with the long-haired girl on the beach. Kingdom Hearts 2 trailer: The person who is most easily identified as Kairi in the KH2 trailer appears about 24 seconds in. She appears taller and older, and her hair is longer, but her hair is the right color and she also has Kairi's mannerisms. She appears in a town, and the shot pans out to reveal an island that could easily be part of Destiny Islands. |